Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior Essay The official language of Japan is Japanese. The official religion is Buddhism. A meal always has rice, even breakfast. White rice is called gohan. Meals often consist of gohan, a bowl of pickles called tsukemono, a bowl of soup, and a variety of other dishes like fish, meat, and vegetables. This is called okazu. Since Japan is an island country they consume a lot of seafood including squid, crab, octopus, shrimp, whale, lobster and seaweed. Slurping your soup or noodles shows the Japanese that you are enjoying your meal. When doing business men should wear dark and conservative attire. Shoes should be easy to remove as this will be done often. When using a bathroom in someone’s home, you will be required to wear a specific pair of slippers before using it. Women should wear low heeled shoes to avoid being taller than men. Pointing is considered rude. It is custom to arrive late, punctuality is not expected. Money is not openly displayed, use an envelope. The number fourteen is bad luck, it sounds like the Japanese word for death. Business and personal gift giving is very important and should be done at the end of the visit. Business cards should be printed in your home language on one side and in Japanese on the other. A bow, not a handshake is the proper way to greet. EGYPT In Egypt the predominant religion is Islam. Foreigners are expected to dress modestly, do not wear Egyptian clothing. Jackets and ties are required for men, women must also dress modestly. Egyptians stand very close to each other, moving away from them is seen as an act of aloofness, however, opposite sexes stand further apart than we do in the United States. Showing your shoe sole is considered an insult to the other person you are meeting, do not cross your legs during your meeting. Smoking in public is very common, present and offer your cigarettes. Arabic is read from the right to the left. Books begin on what Americans consider to be the last page. Business cards should be printed in Arabic on one side of the card, and in English on the other side of the card. BRAZIL In Brazil, Portugese is the official language, although others speak Spanish, Italian, and other languages. No official religion is listed, however most Brazilians practice Roman Catholic. Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country in population and landmass. Half of Brazil’s population is under the age of twenty. When conducting business three piece suits should be worn by men and women, and women’s nails should be manicured. You should avoid wearing the colors green and yellow together, as it is the colors of the Brazilian flag. The okay hand signal is considered rude; to express appreciation you should pinch your earlobe between your thumb and forefinger. Schedule all appointments at least two weeks in advance, to them, time is money. Never discuss business before your host does. Brazilians entertain business cliental in a restaurant, never in their homes. Gift giving is not required. When sending a bouquet of flowers, avoid the color purple as it used for funerals. Tipping in Brazil is very common and is usually about ten percent. When greeting, handshaking for men is very typical while women exchange kisses by placing themselves cheek to cheek and kissing the air. When greeting the other person using titles are very important to them. When you are trying to strike up a conversation with them good conversation topics are soccer, their families and children. Conversation topics to avoid are politics, religion, and the rain forest. After reviewing these three countries and there cultures I would have to say that Japan would be the country with the most employment satisfaction. Although very populated, Japan passed a constitutional law just after World War II that gave women the right to choose their occupation. Since that law, more women have gone into the workforce and received the education and training possible to hold high end executive jobs that were once held by man alone. Even though Brazil and Egypt have higher levels of women in the workforce most of the jobs are domestic, like cleaning and cooking. References[Retrieved] January 14, 2013.

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