Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Educating Rita movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Educating Rita movie - Essay Example Rita became ambitious after studying literature. IV. Third Argument: Literary education provides a path for self-discovery enabling us to identify our needs and meet them. V. Fourth argument: Literary education can benefit anybody in ending ignorance. It changed Rita from an ignorant woman to a confident sophisticated woman. VI. Counter Argument: Opponents of literary education as beneficial to anyone would argue that it altered Rita’s social life negatively. However, it was because of the husband’s ignorance that the marriage failed to work. VII. Conclusion: In conclusion, the play Educating Rita depicts that literary education change anybody’s life positively. It changes Rita from illiterate, ignorant woman, studies literature. She eventually becomes transformed into an ambitious confident woman. Everybody Can Benefit From a Literary Education Introduction Educating Rita is a play that revolves around a woman by the name Rita, who aspires to get educated and al ter her social class. In the same play is another character by the name Frank, who is Rita’s tutor, educated but appears disinterested with life. Throughout the play, Rita views education as the only path towards change. This makes education one of the major themes in the play. Literature characterizes the statues of the people living in a given society. Therefore, the kind of literature written by people living in a given society can be used to study that society. In the play Educating Rita, there is clear depiction of how the society perceives different aspects of life. Therefore, literally education can help anybody understand a given society without having to live within that society. For example, through studying this play, we are able to understand the society that Rita was living in. we experience that hardships that she had to undergo in her daily life. People living in a similar society can benefit from this literally study and learn how they can deal with their chal lenges and succeed in life. This essay argues that everybody can benefit from a literary education. Literary education has great magnitude of bringing positive change in our lives. In the play, education contributes greatly in bringing change in Rita’s life. Although the change may not be instant, it may take time but it can eventually alter the life of everybody who takes literature studies positively. Education molds the way we view things. In case of Rita, she starts of as an illiterate girl who barely understands anything. She is working as a hairdresser with little understanding of the world. Little by little, she becomes knowledgeable and sophisticated. Therefore, literary education is capable of benefitting everybody who undertakes it (Russell 2-6). Everybody can benefit from education since it enables us to set and achieve goals. Rita starts of as poor girl struggling financially with little education. Her main obstacle is her inability to communicate effectively. Her accent and poor mastery of language makes her feel out of place while among other students. She can barely suit in the school. However, as she continues with her education, she becomes motivated, confident, and ends up having achieved most of her goals. When she achieves in her literature studies, Rita realizes her capability and gains confidence that she could achieve in her life. Communication skill plays a major role in education. Therefore having good mastery of literary education

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