Wednesday, July 24, 2019

U.S. and Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

U.S. and Terrorism - Essay Example A balance exists between the actions of the police and the needed approaches to ensure the Americans safety against terror and the liberties of the citizens. Patriotic act is one of the examples. In patriotic act, the content was designed in such a way that the country and the citizens are protected from any recurrence of the terror act like what happened on September 9th. The patriotic act seems dangerous to the liberties of the citizens when put in practice. This seems like an attack to the premises that founded the country. The act of cybercrime and terrorism has also risen to be a major concern in the country and the law enforcement agencies. This plot was to be used to bring down the government, and it prompted the establishment of the new act. As the government steps up its operation against terrorism, the enemy is taking advantage of our weakness. The enemy is aggressively taking advantage of the information that we post in our open sources and use it against our forces. Sensitive information is being post in the blogs and internet. Such operations security leakage places the lives of the American citizens at risk and degrades the effectiveness of the governments operation to fight against

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