Friday, August 14, 2020

5 Reasons Our Libraries are Awesome

5 Reasons Our Libraries are Awesome There are a lot of reasons I love Illinois, and a  lot of them are related to our library system, which is home to one of the largest and richest public research library collections in North America. Pretty cool, huh? As an Illinois student, youll find libraries everywhere, not just as freestanding buildings, but in your residence hall and maybe that building where you take a bunch of classes for your major. I could give you a bunch more facts about how many we have, etc., but I think theyre a lot more than books and numbers. I couldnt resist taking a pic of the rainbow of books. Here are my top five reasons why our libraries are exceptional: Theyre beautiful. Taken on my way to an Econ exam last semester. If youre only into libraries for the aesthetic, then Illinois is the right place for you. Pretty much all of our libraries are good for a good gram. I think the ACES Library is one of the most underappreciated on campus. It boasts a particularly cheery study atmosphere because its massive windows let in so much sunlight. You can pretend youre lying out on the Quad instead of staring down a Word Doc. They go as hard as you do. Via Giphy The Undergraduate Library (UGL) and Grainger Engineering Library are both open 24 hours, Sunday through Friday. (They do close on Fridays and Saturdays, when youre theoretically taking a break from studying.) But wait, Maggie, how will I stay up all night studying? Espresso Royale! Both the UGL and Grainger have Espresso Royale coffee shops located inside them, which are open pretty late so you can caffeinate as much as you want. Ive spent approximately 30 hours in the  library these last few weeks  finishing up an undergraduate thesis in English and working on final projects, and Im definitely not the only one in the library a lot these days! They have more than just books for checking out. Via Giphy All hail the Media Commons in the UGL! Forgot your laptop charger at home for the weekend? Borrow one from the Media Commons. Your Nintendo DS is busted, but you really need to play something mindless for a little while? Media Commons. Need a DSLR camera for class? Media Commons. Oh no, I lost my iPhone charger!  Media Commons. (Also, most residence hall libraries have cell phone chargers you can borrow.) Notably, things like iPhone and laptop chargers can only be checked out for two hours at a time and cant leave the library, but theyre a good option for desperate times. When I lived in Allen Hall as a freshman and sophomore, I had easy access to CDs, DVDs, and even sheet music right there in the Allen library, too. Never underestimate what the library can  do for you! Theyll help you ace that paper. (So many online resources!) Via Giphy Im an English major, so you know what I use a lot? JSTOR, the Oxford English Dictionary, and MLA Style. What does the library give me access to? All three of these these resources, just by being an Illinois student. Its wonderful. Its magical. It means I can finish a paper from the comfort of my own apartment with pajamas on and tea by my side (as long as Im logged into my library account). Inevitably as an Illinois student, you do or you will be using some sort of reference, database, or journal. You have access to these things through the university library systems website. Just click on what you need in the light blue box  between the navy Easy Search box and the orange Libraries Hours bar. Where the magic happens. The librarians are majorly helpful and accessible from far away, too! See that box to the right of the navy Easy Search box in the screenshot above of the librarys website? The Ask a Librarian feature lets you ask library-related questions from a a real librarian while youre working hard on something from your residence hall  or anywhere else that isnt actually the library. Librarians are great in person, too, but this is an awesome perk of the university libraries, too. I hope someday you love the libraries at Illinois as much as I do! Thanks for reading! Maggie Class of 2017 After starting my time at Illinois Undeclared in the Division of General Studies, I’m majoring in English and Economics with a minor in Informatics from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m from the relatively small town of Manhattan, Illinois.

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