Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the Article

The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century - Article Example In an attempt to develop an objective basis upon which the age of the universe and that of the earth can be established, Dr. Mortenson draws upon diverse literature mainly geological based. Through his argument, Mortenson convincingly demonstrates the relevance of the genesis geology today, explains the true nature of the 19th century debate with regard to postulations made about the age of the universe, dissects new theories about the history of creation, and examines the perceptions and evidence presented by scriptural geologists. In support of the way in which the credibility of scriptural geologists can be affirmed, Mortenson adds strength to the article through giving several illustrations on how spiritual geologist’s have to be believed by providing examples on how their concern about rejection of early chapters of Genesis has ultimately brought about religious decline of the church and moral decadence of the society especially in the Western countries. On demonstrating the relevance of the early 19th century Genesis-geology debate to today, Mortenson presents his ideas in the most logical way with concision and precision. The author attains this first through providing relevant examples, and finally concluding that scientific truth is not self-explanatory, and that their interpretation is significantly influenced by the philosophical and religious assumptions of the scientist. Mortenson’s dismissal of Lyell’s way of interpreting the rocks through uniformitarianism on the grounds that it does not fit the facts, and erroneously assuming that evidence presented by catastrophism both on a global and a continental scale is becoming increasingly obvious does not in itself present any scientific or even logical basis to be accepted. Therefore, this argument is weak in the sense that the author does not provide a credible basis upon which

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