Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Foster Care Argumentative Essay Topics for Dummies

Foster Care Argumentative Essay Topics for Dummies The Number One Question You Must Ask for Foster Care Argumentative Essay Topics A fantastic persuasive argument will use the latest data and data from verified sources. Argumentative essay is a type of academic paper that demands profound understanding of analyzed problem and a huge collection of personal opinions and facts. Whatever the topic that you're exploring in your argumentative essay, following principles of the structure ought to be maintained to have a good level. An argumentative essay example will reveal the should possess some important components which make it better in the practice of convincing. Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper can help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. Once you finish your research notes you can begin writing with confidence that you have all of the pieces you should create a terrific essay. Persuasive essays are a really good means to encourage the reader to check at a particular topic in a different light. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of academic writing. As soon as it is unfortunate that all these children need foster care, it's satisfying to be aware that a national system is presently in place to satisfy the requirements of children and youth from disadvantaged conditions. Regardless of what the reason, the majority of children in foster care will probably experience a number of the exact challenges and share a number of the exact same feelings. There are lots of reasons children are not able to live at home. Foster parents started to be regarded as a group of professional adults working with each other to supply the very best possible care for kids in need. The Awful Side of Foster Care Argumentative Essay Topics Essay writing companies make it way uncomplicated. So, you're assured of high-quality help in writing your essay. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job po rtfolio in case they're highly graded. Essay writing per se is no simple undertaking to do. This information will be useful. Our crew of professional writers with the essential experience and writing skills is always prepared to fulfill your demands and exceed your expectations. They may be experts for particular levels, while you may also get writers who are experts on more than one level. Professional essay writers at 5staressays can help you, when you're looking for specialists to guide you. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure you do your homework on what the present laws about your favorite topic actually say. Your aim must be to present an issue prior to your reader by analyzing all the angles connected with that topic. Quite frequently, the ideal topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. There are a lot of intriguing topics that could be become a persuasive essay i f you take the opportunity to consider about doing it. Argumentative essay is about arguing and debating on a subject, which is debatable. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Researching the topic will permit you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is critical for your general success. The intent of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. At various classes, they learn how to perform great articles. With proper main topics, they can reach good results. To write a strong argumentative essay, they should begin by familiarizing themselves with some of the common, and often conflicting, positions on the research topic so that they can write an informed paper. Gossip, Deception and Foster Care Argumentative Essay Topics When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the main matt er to do is to select a topic and an argument which you can really get behind. A conclusion is, without a doubt, the main portion of the argumentative essay as possible either support the very good impression or destroy it entirely. When you are requested to select a great topic for your argument, start with something you're acquainted with. Every chosen theme has many advantages. The Basics of Foster Care Argumentative Essay Topics Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. To begin with, you should comprehend what an argumentative essay is. Every argumentative essay should depend on a topic that may be debated. The greatest argumentative essay topics are the simplest ones. When you select the essay topics, think whether you can say something interesting through it. Whatever you present in your essay ought to be reasonable and based on the information that you have collected. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. Locating good essay topics you could discuss effectively and create powerful argumentative essays is a challenging work. Finding Foster Care Argumentative Essay Topics on the Web It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering a notion that might be a huge deal to another person. It isn't hard to view and find many ideas online. It is simple to discover numerous amazing ideas online. It is crucial to begin with demonstrating the most important idea of the entire piece so you and your readers are going to be on the identical page.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Differentiating Between Market Structures Essay - 1260 Words

Differentiating Between Market Structures Yvonne C Rivera ECO/365 May 16, 2013 Paul de la Pena Abstract There are many TV service providers available in the U.S; however there are only two companies that offer services via satellite. Dish operates within the monopolistic competition market. Dish has been in business since the early 1980’s and has gradually worked its way up to become one of the leading satellite provider and innovator of new technology. In 2013 they offer service to over 14 million subscribers nationwide. This market in which it competes is where all firms have some market power, which controls the market price. They produce the same product as Direct TV and no other provider is in the same market. They know all†¦show more content†¦These two companies offer similar products and customers can choose whom they do service with. It is ideal for Dish to compete in this market because there are only two companies within the same industry. This market structure is suitable for Dish because it provides more opportunity to maximize profit due to the competition . Dish has more availability to customers and the opportunity to be able to increase customer rate in turn increasing the profit due to the fact that there are only two service providers. It cannot be in a monopoly market because there is another company that provides the same service or product. It also does not have extremely high prices or excessive barriers to obtain services. They always provide affordable prices that will also benefit the company to increase profit. (Monopolistic Competition, 2013). Dish has many promotions that are being offered to obtain new customers and also retain the existing consumers. The company offers upfront discounts as a sign up bonus to gain the attention of those prospective consumers. It offers up to $30 credits up front on the programming for the first twelve months of service. With a qualifying promotion the customer will have the activation and the equipment fees waived saving the consumer over $200. When existing customers look for any type of promotion they will have anything from discounts for a few months up to free programming. Even if the customers receiveShow MoreRelatedDifferentiating Between Market Structures1766 Words   |  8 PagesDifferentiating between Market Structures Jessika Canales Dà ­az ECO /365 08/28/2010 Instructor: SR. Carlos Mà ©ndez David Differentiating between Market Structures In this simulation, the learner studies the cost and revenue curves in different market structures perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, or oligopoly faced by a freight transportation company, and makes decisions to maximize profits or to minimize losses. The simulation also deals with the concept of Prisoner’sRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures And The Market Structure1239 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiating Between Market Structures Arthur Levitt once wrote, â€Å"Our markets have not achieved their greatest successes as a result of government fiat, but rather through the efforts of competing interests working to meet the demands of investors and to fulfill the promises posed by advancing technology.(Arthur, Levitt. (2015)) The competitive nature of an industry is what drives our markets throughout the world. An industry consists of all firms making similar or identical products. McDonald’sRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures1598 Words   |  7 PagesDifferentiating Between Market Structures Jennifer Lavallee ECO/365 May 27, 2013 Market structure is the physical characteristics of the market within which companies react. This means that there are different kinds of market structure based on how companies work together within a particular industry. Location and product have the most to do with determining the market structure. There are four defined market types. The first market structure is called the perfectly competitive market. TheRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures1692 Words   |  7 PagesDifferentiating Between Market Structures Using the virtual organization of Kudler Fine Foods, evaluations will be made to determine market structure and competitiveness. Kudler Fine Foods current strategic plan for 2003, marketing overview, and market surveys will provide information to evaluate how Kudler competes in its market and where its strengths and weaknesses are located. Based on the evaluation of Kudler Fine Foods an applicable market structure will be determined and the structures effectsRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures1924 Words   |  8 PagesDifferentiating Between Market Structures Alana Campbell, Dale Fortune, Katrina Beyah, Leonard Cooper University of Phoenix ECO/212 Principles of Economics Donnetta McAdoo December 5, 2011 Differentiating Between Market Structures To understand the economy of today one must understand the different market structures that make up the economy. There are four market structures that define the economic structure within the world’s economy; perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competitionRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures1910 Words   |  8 PagesDifferentiating Between Market Structures Don Peterson ECO/365 February 2, 2015 Elena Zee Differentiating Between Market Structures A market structure in economics describes the state of a market with respect to its competition. There exist several different market structures like perfect competition, oligopoly, and monopolies among others. These markets all produce different types of goods or services, like public and private goods as well as common and collective goods. Firms operatingRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures1134 Words   |  5 PagesDiffereantiating Between Market Structures Identify  the market structure in which this organization competes. Clearly indicate why the market structure was decided upon and how this market structure differentiates from the other alternatives.   MARKET STRUCTURE The interconnected characteristics of a market, such as the number and relative strength of buyers and sellers and degree of collusion among them, level and forms of competition, extent of product differentiation, and ease of entryRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures Essay1077 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiating between Market Structures The structure of a market is defined by the number of firms in the market, the existence or otherwise of barriers to entry of new firms, and the interdependence among firms in determining pricing and output to maximize profits. The author of this paper will cover: the advantages and limitation of supply and demand identified in the simulation, the effectiveness of the organization in which the author knows, and how the organizations in each market structureRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures Essay1105 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiating Between Market Structures ECO/365 Principles of Microeconomics August 30, 2012 Differentiating Between Market Structures Retail sales are indicators of microeconomic conditions presented in a given area at a particular place in time. Since Sam Walton opened his first Wal-Mart store, Wal-Mart has been making ripples throughout the micro economies of America. Wal-Mart’s market structure is typical of most of our nation’s largest corporations in that they are an oligopoly (BrownRead MoreDifferentiating Between Market Structures in Kudler1022 Words   |  5 PagesDifferentiating Between Market Structures in Kudler ECO365 â€Å"Kudler Fine Foods was established in 1998 when Kathy Kudler fulfilled her vision of establishing her own gourmet food store. The La Jolla store continues to grow while the Del Mar store has been having some difficulties. The store in Encinitas has just opened, but sales seem brisk.† (Apollo, 2011, Strategic Plan, p. 3) The owner works 7 days a week and performs many jobs from purchasing to stocking shelves. Kudler Fine Foods sees

Monday, December 9, 2019

My Music Box free essay sample

Tools line the walls; cabinets are filled to the brim bursting with paints, stains, and other supplies. The air smells of sawdust and varnish. This is Grandpa’s workshop. Friday. We start with a trip to the store for a musical movement. We look up and down the aisles studying each movement with care. Grandpa and I are there for an hour. We’re about to give up when he sees it. The waltz that he and Grandma danced on wedding: Moon River. I didn’t want to get it but he plays the seniority card and wins because he says he’s the one who’s paying. Saturday: I wake up early not wanting to waste a minute working with grandpa on the music box. When mom drops me off at Grandpa’s, I bolt out of the car and head toward the shop. We work on the base and sides of the box. We will write a custom essay sample on My Music Box or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Soon Grandpa takes over doing most of the work himself. I thought this is my project. I wait patiently for a few minutes. I guess not. â€Å"Grandpa I thought we were working on the music box together,† I say â€Å"Oh right, sorry,† he says and hands me a pencil to help him mark the wood. At the end of the day we’re covered in sawdust but we’ve finished the sides. Sunday. We attach the music movement to the bottom and put the sides and bottom together. There’s just one problem: someone cut one of the sides lopsided. Oops my bad. Grandpa says it’s no problem and we just cut a new side out. By the end of the day we have everything but the top put together. I can’t wait to see what it looks like finished. I beg Grandpa to let me stay late and finish putting the top together. But he says I have school tomorrow and we can finish next weekend. So I reluctantly hug him goodbye; how can I survive five more days without working on my music box? But next weekend never came. Grandpa died. All I want to do is crawl up in a ball and stay like that forever. I can’t do that though. What would Grandpa say if he saw me like this? He would say that no matter how much it hurts, I have to move on with my life and not dwell on the past or I would miss the present. After the funeral, we go back to Grandma’s house for lunch. I ru n through the door, heading straight for the workshop. With each step I take, my heart beats faster. I swing the doors open wide and flip on the lights. Where’s my music box? I begin to search franticly. What happened to it, where did it go? Then I see something tucked way to the back of the work bench: a square package wrapped in brown paper with a note attached. I pick up the note and see my name on the front written in Grandpa’s spidery cursive. Thomas, I hope you don’t mind, but I finished the music box for you as a surprise. Enjoy! Love Always, Grandpa Tears fall on the note as I read. I grab the package and rip off the paper and see my music box. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. It’s small enough to hold in one hand and the color of dark honey or amber; it’s so glossy it appears to give off a light of its own. I turn it over examining every part. When I flip it over, I see a message on the bottom. Live long, laugh often, and love much. Love always, Grandpa. I begin to tear up. I turn the key and wind up the music box. My fingers are shaking as I begin to open the lid. When I do my ears are flooded with the music and I instantly begin to think of all the good times Grandpa and I had over the years.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Revenge In A Tale Of Two Cities Essays - English-language Films

Revenge in A Tale of Two Cities Mr. Immler English 10 Honors, 2nd period 21 September 1999 A Tale of Two Cities is a novel which takes place during the French Revolution. In this novel there are many characters who often have conflicts in their interactions. Sometimes these conflicts take place on a personal level and at other times they occur on a social level. There are many examples of revenge in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Madame Defarge takes revenge on Charles Darnay for the acts of his father and uncle. Madame Defarge's main reason for trying to have Darnay convicted is because she holds his family responsible for the death of her siblings. When talking to Jacques Three, Madame Defarge says, "[M]y husband has not my reason for pursuing this family to annihilation", which proves that she does not think that they are an enemy of the republic. Instead, she has a personal reason for bringing Darnay to trial (351). Monsieur Defarge, who plays as large a role in the revolution as Madame Defarge, does not, for Lucy's sake, want to see Darnay harmed. When he says this to his wife, she replies, "Her husband's destiny . . . will lead him to the end that is to end him" (186). Madame Defarge is so revengeful that she even pursues Darnay's wife and child. She personally delivers a note to Lucy so that she can see them and "[t]he shadow attendant on Madame Defarge and her party seem[s] then to fall, threatening a nd dark, on both the mother and the child" (265). Lucy and Little Lucy are forced to flee for their lives before they are denounced. During the French Revolution, the commoners take revenge on the aristocrats. The commoners' revenge is apparent in the second half of the book. The Jacquerie is a major source of the revolutionary trouble. One of the first examples of this is when "[t]he ch?teau [is] left to itself to flame and burn" after being set on fire by the mender of roads, a second member of the Jacquerie, and two others (230). The commoners' revenge takes place throughout the book when aristocrats are imprisoned. "They are . . . murdering the prisoners" of La Force after Darnay is incarcerated there (260). The members of the revolution behead large numbers of people daily. One of the Jacques says, "[W]e have not half enough as it is. We ought to have six score a day", which shows how extreme they are in eliminating anyone they think wronged them (351). Gaspard is revengeful towards the Marquis St. Ev?rmonde. The Marquis runs over Gaspard's child and then yells at the crowd which has gathered, "It is extraordinary to me ? that you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children" (116). When he gives a coin to Gaspard, Gaspard throws it at the carriage, enraged at the Marquis. "I would ride over any of you very willingly and exterminate you from the earth. If I knew which rascal threw at the carriage, and if that brigand were sufficiently near it, he should be crushed under the wheels", came Ev?rmonde's response (117). The retribution for the Marquis' murder of Gaspard's son and his many other selfish acts comes when Gaspard stabs him. The knife is "[d]riven home into the heart of the stone figure" (133). In A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens there are many examples of revenge. Madame Defarge takes revenge on Charles Darnay because his father and uncle murdered her brother and sister. The commoners retaliate against the aristocrats in France. Gaspard is revengeful in his murder of the Marquis St. Ev?rmonde because of the death of his son.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Strategic Human Resources

Strategic Human Resources Free Online Research Papers The need of an hour is that human resources is all about maintaining a positive and productive work environment, best practices helps to make sure that employees feel good about the company they work for. There is a growing recognition today that the strategic importance of HR is crucial to corporate success. In yesteryears was merely an administrative and supporting function of the organisation. Today it is the lynchpin of competitive advantage. Top organisations today are talking about â€Å"people before strategy†, underscoring Peter Ducker’s long-held contention that â€Å"people are a resource, not a cost†. HR today has moved beyond merely an administrative to a strategic role. HR managers are increasingly making their case for a seat on the board as they strive for the HR function to be recognized for the value it adds to the bottom line. The internal customers ought to be given the priority and how to romance them like the way you romance your external customers. The paper entails new HR trends and practices adopted by the various organizations focusing on the factor of employee exhilaration. The study is an attempt in invigorating the need of â€Å"Employee Focus† and its impact on performance of the employee as well as the organization. The functions like Manpower Planning, Performance Management, Training and the role of Performance appraisals in the field of strategic HR are being laid emphasized on. Hence it is an endeavour in revealing the mounting significance of such facets of HR. EVOLUTION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The expression Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relative recent title for all aspects of managing people in an organisation. It represents a broad based understanding of the problems of people and their management in view of the development of behavioural science knowledge. A formal beginning of HRM functions in India was made in 1929, when Royal Commission of Labour was set up by the Government of India. Two years later the Commission submitted its report recommending the appointment of Labour officers to look after the employment and dismissal of workers as well as their working conditions. The scope of the function of Labour officers was widened during the Second World War, when such facilities as housing medical and recreational activities were added to existing responsibilities. In the process the labour officer got designated as Welfare Officer (WO),. The enactment of Industrial dispute act 1946 and factories at, 1947 further added the management of leaves, wages, bonus and retirement in the scope of the function of W.O. Growth in the business, competition and increasing size during sixties and seventies led to the need of attracting and retaining talented people. Hence formulating policies on Human Resource Planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance and potential appraisal, internal ability and compensation management etc. also become a part of W.O. who now became the personnel manager. With the increasing recognition of the importance of human resources and their contribution to the survival of the organisations, personnel function has now been called as Human Resource Management Function. Some of this transitions have been the increasing the cost of labour, periodic stoppage of work, government legislation, changes in production and distribution methodologies, information technology and strategic use of employees contribution (Saiyadin 1992). Today the HRM function can be seen as the amalgam, of organisational behaviour, personnel management, industrial relations an d labour legislation. Increasing organisational size and its complexity, transitional from traditional to professional management, changing social and cultural norms globalization of industry and availability of information technology are constantly changing the profile of HRM functions HE has to play a more dynamic .Today HRM manager cannot survive in the security of past. He has to play a more dynamic role in not only performing the maintenance function, but should think of more creative ways to satisfy human aspirations to provide the competitive edge, to organisations on a sustainable basis. Human Resources Management by Mirza S Saiyadain The people in the organisation, the human resources, are perhaps the most important aspect of any enterprise. The age of informational technology has popularized the word human capital. Earlier we were talking human resources and equating people along with the raw materials, financial resources and physical resources as an input for the enterprise. Now-a-days each and every process has its own management methods and personnel for managing that process. The basic principle remains the same as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling to achieve the goal by using the human, financial and material resources. Increasingly the firms are considering the adoption of new work practices such as problem solving teams, enhanced communication with workers, employment security, flexibility in job assignments, training workers for multiple jobs, and greater reliance on motivational tools. Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalization, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and never ending changes that organisations are undergone have led to increased importance of managing human resources.(Devanna, Fombrum and Tichy,1981;Wright, 1998).Youndt and Snell (1996) find that firms employing HR practices according to the stated strategy are regarded to have better perceptual performance. The human resource management that aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals while simultaneously attempting to attain other societal and individual employee objectives has undergone drastic change with the passing of years. We all know that HRM is concerned with the people keeping the fact in mind that HRM helps in acquiring, developing, stimulating retaining the outstanding employees as it gives both effectiveness efficiency to the working of the organization, it has been started being used strategically is now termed as Strategic human resource management. Human Resource plays a significant, strategic role in supporting organizations. As such effective strategic human resource management approaches serve as the keystone of any severe change management planning. They must also be the heart of endeavours to transform the culture of organisations, so that they develop into less hierarchal, practice oriented, intact formal groups, and inwardly focused and more flat, outcome oriented, integrated and externally focused. The aim of SHRM is to make sure that the culture, approach and structure of the organisation and the excellence, dedication and motivation of its employees add entirely to the attainment of business objectives. It is unification of SHRM strategies with organisation strategies. The corporate strategies and HR strategies are developed simultaneously. They are coherent and comprehensive. There is emphasis on developing HR skills and capitalising on the competencies. Today’s Strategic HRM aims to gain competitive advantage through managing human resources that are valuable, and costly to imitate. Today’s new Strategic HRM emphasise on the concept â€Å"empowerment† pervasive in organisations. The concept of empowerment is open to many different practices and the significance of this concept is utilized in many different functions of organisations policies like management and employee development programs, appraisal and reward policy changes, and employee recognitions, training forming teams and teamwork, attempts to create a new climate of employee relationships. In todays flattened, downsized high-performing organizations, highly trained committed employees not machines are often the firms competitive key. Perhaps the most drastic change in HRs role today is its growing involvement in developing implementing the companys strategy. Strategies increasingly depend on strengthening organizational competitiveness on building committed work teams, these put HR in a central role. In the fast changing, globally competitive quality oriented industrial environment, its often the firms employees – its human resources – who provide the competitive key. And so now it is a demand of the time to involve HR in the earlier stages of development implementing the firms strategic plan, rather than to let HR react to it. That means now the role of HR is not just to implement the things out but also to plan out in such a manner that the employees can be strategically used to get edge over the competitors, keeping in mind the fact that this is the only resource (HUMANS), which cannot be duplicated by the competitors. The Strategic Human Resource Management Process includes: ? Manpower planning and determining internal mobility. ? Sustaining and retaining employees and ensuring productivity by investing in various HR practices in competitive environment. ? Evaluate employee performance, correct deviations with precautionary measures with future development. ? Reviewing and revising strategic plan for sustaining organisation competence and performance. Strategic Manpower Planning Involves ? Constancy, to employ or replace key workforce executives with minimal loss. ? Flexibility, ability to handle troubles encountered within the enterprise. ? Straightforwardness, harmonizing the perfect line of relationship among the employees. ? Clarity, feature of having specific objectives for all the levels or units in the organisation. Managerial functions includes planning, it involves formulating policies for future development of the enterprise, program to choose adequate number of persons who can work efficiently and accomplish the business objectives, provide training to the workers in the enterprise, integration and maintenance of work force. Organizing, it has to provide a clear layout about the inter-relationship between persons, jobs and physical factor and every worker should have proper understanding of their job. Direction involves motivation, which can be either positive or negative for the enterprise. It is necessary to motivate the workers about the nature of their job. Instructions should be clear, neatly explained and easy to understand. An efficient Manpower planning is established by significantly emphasizing on Internal Mobility to promote the existing employee and exploit their experience in bring high outputs for the organisation. A reduced employee turnover has a remarkable positive impact on the organisation. It brings satisfaction to the employees, maintain competitiveness and protect financial investments. As reported in the study, Internal Mobility by Taleo Research, 92 percent of companies turn to the existing employee base to fill an open job position. The majority of survey respondents (more than 70 large and global corporations) report internally filling 40 percent or more of open positions annually. According to the Taleo Research Internal Mobility Report a closed stress is needed on the factors like ? Improving Employee satisfaction ? Retention of employees ? Lower Costs and Faster Fills ? Transformed outlook from Goals to Process Design One of the most visible shifts in the workplace in recent years has been the rapid vanishing of the prototypical devoted employee who would work 30 to 40 years for the same company and then retire with a gold watch and pension. Many personnel these days hold positions at several companies during their career and may feel no particular loyalty to remain at a single firm for a great tenure. Best Practice Approach to HRM in supporting competitive advantage by sustaining and retaining employees are: By Pfeffer and Veiga (1999) Employment Security Selective Hiring Self Managed Teams and Decentralization Comparatively high compensation contingent on organisational performance Extensive Training Reduction of Status Difference Reduced turnover and retention of employees have prominent potential benefits like cost reduction, increase in skilled and experienced staff, employee commitment and satisfaction, and above all productivity, which in turn extensively demands the process of: ? Analyzing who are your most occupied and productive employees. ? Segmenting a strategy for enrichment versus skills improvement. ? Utilizing the accurate actions that envisage outcomes of engagement. ? Maturing strengths based focus on development and performance management. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: The Performance Management and Information section presents guidance and support on a range of management issues and coordinates performance management activities including the over all improvement and development of employees. Performance management is a process on performance measurement approaches, such as the balanced scorecard. While the balanced scorecard offers a framework for the collection of strategic information, performance management ensures that results are used to influence the selection of planned actions and to foster the renewal of dynamic, competitive strategy. Unlike most tools and techniques, performance management is an unremitting, enterprise-wide process, rather than a one-time, isolated event. Six Performance Management imperatives are Compliance Management, Profitability Management, Cost Management, Performance Improvement, and Business Innovation Performance management is a set of functions that evaluate and report the behavior of employees and the effectiveness of the job and a set of various sub functions, such as gathering information, maintaining and examining logs, determining task performance under normal and pressurized conditions, how, each employees working towards their own goals and purpose aligning with organisational perspective. The level of performance increases if certain kind of benefits are offered to the employees, which generates a feeling among the employees that â€Å"I am Cared†. Some of them are: Defined Benefit Plans and Pensions, Retirement Planning, Health Care Systems, Insurance Plans, Profit Sharing Plans, Social Security, College Loans, Vision Plans, Employee Medical Health Insurance, Major Medical Health Insurance, Dental Plans, Flexible Spending Accounts, Employee Assistance Program, Accidental, Disability Insurance, and Cafeteria Plans. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL The human resource function that probably has the greatest effect on development is Performance appraisal. A well implemented and executed performance appraisal system drives development. When employees collect apparent feedback on their performance, when rewards and recognitions are attached to performance, when expectations are stated clear in behavioral terms, or goal related terms, the employees constant inclination is on â€Å" performing-better†. The performance appraisal system can be planned to sustain the approach by providing objective measures of skill accomplishment. It can also be used to classify and increase the skills of employees with potential. Every employee must be assessed at least once a year. There are six types of performance appraisals that are used with employees depending on various circumstances: annual, conditional, extended, interim, probationary, and special. The performance appraisal forms include: Rating form: includes the listing of dimensions for the position, the ratings, supervisor recommendations, employee comments, and a place for appropriate signatures. Narrative form: is to be completed and submitted along with the rating form. Each rating must be supported by appropriate comments. Goals may be listed on the form for each dimension if appropriate. Dimensions and Standards/Criteria form: is used for listing the selected dimensions, the specific criteria, and standards for performance. By HENRICO COUNTY RULES AND REGULATIONS, Section 13 A properly designed should relate company and/ or group goals to the individual’s tasks and goals for the review period. The performance is broadly categorized into quality, quantity, timeliness and cost effectiveness, focused on outputs and organisational development. THE TYPES OF APPRAISALS Self Appraisal: A method in which employee evaluates his own performance and discusses with his manager. It provides the employee with the opportunity to reflect on his own performance and reasons behind it. 3600 Feedback: 360 degree feedback is a method and a tool that provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from his or her supervisor and four to eight peers, reporting staff members, coworkers and customers. Most 360 degree feedback tools are also responded to by each individual in a self assessment. Results-Focused Approaches Creamer and Janosik (in press) note that there are both advantages and disadvantages to results-based performance appraisal approaches. On the positive side, they produce short and long-term results in the context of original performance and organizational objectives, are generally perceived as fair, tend to generate high levels of commitment to the organization, and they encourage a high level of participation and are thus defensible. On the negative side, they can be overly results oriented especially in educational organizations, and they may be inflexible. Management by Objectives, and Accountabilities and Measures (Grote, 1996). MBO emphasizes participation by all organization members. Grote identifies the following core elements in MBO: ? Formation of trusting and open communication throughout the organization ? Mutual problem solving and negotiations in the establishment of objectives ? Creation of win-win relationships ? Organizational rewards and punishments based on job-related performance and achievement ? Minimal uses of political games, forces, and fear ? Development of a positive, proactive, and challenging organizational climate Supervisors need to ensure that appraisal processes are congruent with objectives and goals. An MBO rating form needs to provide space to list staff member objectives in order of importance, as well as space for the evaluator to describe staff member performance using a mutually agreed upon scale. Categories of performance can include: distinguished performance, competent performance, provisional performance, and inadequate performance. Accountabilities and Measures approaches involve the supervisor and staff member agreeing on accountability and performance factors and including them in the job description. Performance is then forecast for each factor to enable quantifiable measures for each factor. An Accountabilities and Measures form can be created, with performance factor categories. BEHAVIOUR BASED APPROACHES: Behavioural Observation Scale: Involves a process of identifying the key tasks for a job. It evaluates according to how frequently the employees exhibit the required behaviour for excellent performance. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale: In this approach, broad categories of practice are identified, ideally through collaborations between supervisors and staff. Specific job behaviors are then linked to the categories. Measures of staff member behavior are rated on a scale in relation to specific behavior items, such as understands department functions. Performance appraisal process is incomplete without the feedback given to the employee about his appraisal and his performance. Effective feedback describes the behavior rather than evaluates. The employee performance appraisal form is reviewed with the self-appraisal that the individual created assessing her own performance. The manager and employee talk honestly about how well she performed over the past twelve months: Strengths, weaknesses, successes and areas needing improvement. The performance management process, ends and begins anew with the performance review meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, the individuals past years performance is reviewed and the success of the development plan is evaluated. At the end of the meeting, the appraiser and the individual set a date to create the plan for next years goals, objectives, and development. TRAINING: A Strategic HRM Function After a successful Performance appraisal A Training Need assessment is required, this is the systematic method of determining if a training need exists and if it does, what training is required to fill the gap between the standard and the actual performance of the employee. Training needs analysis is Systematic method of determining performance discrepancies, and causes of performance discrepancies Reasons to conduct training needs analysis ? Identify the deficiencies ? Determine whether employees lack KSAs (Key Skill Areas) ? Benchmark for evaluation of training ? Makes sure training is provided to the right people ? Increases the motivation of training Organisations are increasingly spending more money annually on training with the belief that it will give them competitive edge in the local and global market. Training as an organisational intervention may be defined as a well thought of set of activities aimed to facilitate learning of knowledge, attitude and skills, among its people in the organisation to improve their current job performance and contribute to the achievement of organisational goals. Some Training Methodologies are Training Methodologies Anonymous card Panel Discussion Demonstration Skill Practice Dyadic Discussion or Exchange Problem-Solving Activity Game Questionnaire Group Enquiry Role Play Contracting Physical Continuum Creative Activity Presentation Checklist Synergy Activity Closing Circle Lecture Brainstorming Observation Case Study Project Fishbowl Trio Discussion or Exchange Full Group Discussion Writing Activity Experimental Activity Self Assessment and Self Evaluation Feedback Activity Small Group Discussion Story Whip Inter-group Discussion/ Exchange Peer Consultation Interviewing Peer Teaching Index Card Match Simulation Information Search Read and Discuss Group Guided Teaching Read and Teach Group Ice Breaker Mental Imagery Reference Source, Silberman, M and Whiteling,V. (1992). Twenty Acting, Training Programs.San Diego California, U.S.A: Pfieffer Company Apart from training methodologies, the functions like Training Need Analysis, Training Design, Training Implementation, and Training Evaluation are the key determinants in measuring the effectiveness of training, aiming to maximize productivity, and betterment of relationships in workplace, which not only increases organisational commitment but also improves individual job performances. Advantages of a Strategic Approach to HR: ? Smooth the progress of development of expert workforce through focus on type of people and skills required. ? Facilitates cost-effective management of employment, particularly in service industries where labor is generally greatest cost. ? Facilitates planning and assessment of environmental uncertainty, and adaptation of organization to external forces. ? Successful SHRM efforts begin with recognition of strategic requirements. ? Employee participation is serious to linking strategy and HR practices. ? Strategic HR facilitates methodical and logical and analytical approach. ? Corporate HR departments can have impact on organizations efforts to launch strategic initiatives. Conclusion: Ideally HR top management work together to devise the companys on the whole business strategy and policies; that strategy then provides the framework within which HR activities such as Training Appraising must be expertised. Once practiced honestly, it results out in the employee competencies performance that in turn help the company implement its strategies recognize its goals. While HR strategies must be developed to support the achievement of the organisations objectives, it is a two-way process. HR strategies can themselves be critical inputs in determining the strategic initiatives for the organisation. In order to be successful the employees should be developed in such a manner that they can be the competitive advantage, for this the human resource management must be an equal partner in both the formulation the implementation of the corporate competitive strategies. REFERENCE: ? Human Resources Management by Mirza S Saiyadain ? International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices, by Dennis R. ? Briscoe, Randall S. Schuler 2004 Business Economics ? ? 32k ? Strategic Human Resource Management by Randall. S Schuler and Susan E. Jackson ?,, ? Training: A strategic. HRM function. By Divina M. Edralin ? Strategic Human Resource Management by Charles J. Fombrun, Noel M. Tichy, Mary Anne Devanna – 1984 ? mobility-program. ? E-mail News Nurturing, Sustaining and Retaining Engaged Employees ? Strategic Human Resource Management by Olive Lundy, Alan Cowling 1996 ? ? ? ? Research Papers on Strategic Human ResourcesThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPETSTEL analysis of IndiaOpen Architechture a white paperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductDefinition of Export Quotas

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Guide to Writing Japanese New Years Cards

A Guide to Writing Japanese New Year's Cards .The Japanese send New Years cards (nengajo) rather than Christmas cards. If you want to send nengajo to your Japanese friends, here are common greetings and expressions you can write to wish them all the best for the new year. Happy New Year All the following expressions roughly translate as Happy New Year. Choose any of them to begin your card. The saying is listed in kanji, or Japanese letters, on the left and in Romaji- the  writing of Japanese in  Roman  characters- on the right. 明㠁‘㠁 ¾Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€š Ã£  §Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢   Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu.æâ€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£ Å Ã£â€š Ã£  §Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢   Shinnen omedetou gozaimasu.omedetou gozaimasu.è ¬ ¹Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã¦â€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´   Kinga Shinnenæ  ­Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã¦â€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´   Kyouga Shinnenè ³â‚¬Ã¦ ­ £   Gashouè ¿Å½Ã¦Ëœ ¥   Geishunè ¬ ¹Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  §Ã¦â€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£  ®Ã£ Å Ã¥â€"Å"㠁 ³Ã£â€šâ€™Ã§â€ ³Ã£ â€"ä ¸Å Ã£ â€™Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢   Tsutsushinde shinnen no oyorokobi o moushiagemasu. Note that Kinga Shinnen (è ¬ ¹Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã¦â€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´), Kyouga Shinnen (æ  ­Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã¦â€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´), Gashou (è ³â‚¬Ã¦ ­ £), and Geishun (è ¿Å½Ã¦Ëœ ¥) are seasonal words that are not used in regular conversation. The rest of the expressions can be used as a greeting. Expressions and Phrases After the greeting, add words of thanks, requests for continued favor, or wishes for health. Here are some common expressions, though you can add your own words as well. The saying is presented first in English, then in kanji, and then in Romaji. Thank you for all your kind help during the past year.æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£  ¯Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ¤â€°Ã£ Å Ã¤ ¸â€"è © ±Ã£  «Ã£  ªÃ£â€šÅ Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šÅ Ã£ Å'㠁 ¨Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â€"㠁ŸSakunen wa taihen osewa ni nari arigatou gozaimashita. I hope for your continued favor this year.æÅ" ¬Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£  ©Ã£ â€ Ã£ Å¾Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€š Ã£ â€"㠁 Ã£ Å Ã© ¡ËœÃ£ â€žÃ£ â€"㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Honnen mo douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Wishing everyone good health.皆æ §ËœÃ£  ®Ã£ â€Ã¥  ¥Ã¥ º ·Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ Å Ã§ ¥Ë†Ã£â€šÅ Ã§â€ ³Ã£ â€"ä ¸Å Ã£ â€™Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Minasama no gokenkou o oinori moushiagemasu. Adding the Date When dating the card, use the word gantan (å…Æ'æâ€" ¦) instead of the date that card was written. Gantan means the morning of Jan. 1; therefore, it is not necessary to write ichi-gatsu gantan. As for the year, the Japanese era name is often used. For example, the year 2015 is Heisei nijuugo-nen (Ã¥ ¹ ³Ã¦Ë† Ã¥ ¹ ´), the 27th  year of the era, Heisei. Although nengajo are often written vertically, it is acceptable to write them horizontally. Addressing Cards When sending New Years cards from overseas, the word nenga (Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ³â‚¬) should be written in red on the front side along with a stamp and address. This way, the post office will hold the card and deliver it on Jan. 1. Unlike Christmas cards, nengajo shouldnt arrive before New Years Day. Write your name (and address) at the left side of the card. You can add your own message or draw the picture of the present years zodiacal animal (eto).   Who to Send Nengajou To The Japanese send nengajou not only to family and friends but also to classmates, coworkers, and even business partners. However, personal nengajou often play an important role in connecting people. There were many heart-warming stories about nengajou submitted to The Memorable Nengajou Contest (Nengajou Omoide Taishou). Here is the top prize-winning short story in kanji, followed by the story in Romaji. ã€Å'Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã§Å  ¶Ã£  £Ã£  ¦Ã£  ªÃ£â€šâ€œÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬  æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šâ€°Ã§ § Ã£ Å¸Ã£  ¡Ã£  ¨Ã¥Æ' Ã£  Ã¥â€¡ ºÃ£ â€"㠁Ÿå  Ã¥â€¦ ­Ã¦ ­ ³Ã£  ®Ã¥ °â€˜Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£ Å'Ã¥ °â€¹Ã£  ­Ã£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦ ¯ Ã¨ ¦ ªÃ£ â€¹Ã£â€šâ€°Ã¨â€š ²Ã¥â€¦ Ã¦â€ ¾Ã¦ £â€žÃ£ â€¢Ã£â€šÅ'〠Ã¤ »Å Ã£  ¯Ã© ¤Å Ã¨ ­ ·Ã¦â€" ½Ã¨ ¨ ­Ã£  «Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥ ®Å¡Ã¦â„¢â€šÃ¥Ë† ¶Ã© «ËœÃ¦   ¡Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â€šâ€žÃ£â€š Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€"㠁 ¾Ã£  £Ã£ Å¸Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ¦â€¹Ã£ â€¹Ã£  ­Ã£â‚¬ Ã£ â€ Ã£  ¡Ã£  ®Ã§â€"…é™ ¢Ã©â€¢ ·Ã£ Å'è ª ¿Ã§ â€ Ã¨ £Å"åŠ ©Ã¥â€œ ¡Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã©â€ºâ€¡Ã£  £Ã£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€š Ã¥ ¹ ³Ã¥ â€¡Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã© ½ ¢Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥  Ã¦ ­ ³Ã£  ®Ã¨ ª ¿Ã§ â€ Ã¥   ´Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥  Ã¥â€¦ ­Ã¦ ­ ³Ã£  ®Ã¥ °â€˜Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£ Å'æ ¥ ½Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¨Ã£ â€œÃ£â€š Ã£  ¨Ã£  ¯Ã¦â‚¬ Ã£ Ë†Ã£  ªÃ£ â€žÃ£ Å'〠Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£  ¯Ã¦ ¯Å½Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥â€¦Æ'æ °â€"㠁 «Ã£â€šâ€žÃ£  £Ã£  ¦Ã£  Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£  ²Ã£â€šâ€¡Ã£  £Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã©â€º ¢Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¦Ã¦Å¡ ®Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ â„¢Ã¦ ¯ Ã¨ ¦ ªÃ£  ®Ã©  ¢Ã¥ ½ ±Ã£â€šâ€™Ã§ § Ã£ Å¸Ã£  ¡Ã£  «Ã¨ ¦â€¹Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£  ®Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€š Ã¥  Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¦Å"ˆå Å Ã£  °Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã§Å  ¶Ã£  ®Ã¦ ºâ€"備㠁 ®Ã¨ © ±Ã© ¡Å'㠁 «Ã£  ªÃ£  £Ã£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£  Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ªÃ§ § Ã£ Å¸Ã£  ¡Ã£  ®Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¨ © ±Ã£  «Ã¤ ¸ Ã¦â‚¬ Ã¨ ­ °Ã£  Ã£ â€ Ã£  ªÃ© ¡â€Ã£  §Ã¥ °â€¹Ã£  ­Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§â€ž ¡Ã§ â€ Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£  ªÃ£ â€žÃ£â‚¬â€šÃ¦ ¯ Ã¨ ¦ ªÃ£  ¨Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§ ·â€™Ã£  «Ã£ â€žÃ£ Å¸Ã©  Æ'㠁 ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã¤ ½ Ã¥ ±â€¦Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ » ¢Ã£â‚¬â€¦Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£ Å¸Ã£  ¨Ã¨ Å¾Ã£ â€žÃ£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã§Å  ¶Ã£  ©Ã£ â€œÃ£â€š Ã£  §Ã£  ¯Ã£  ªÃ£ â€¹Ã£  £Ã£ Å¸Ã£  ®Ã£   Ã£â€š Ã£ â€ Ã£â‚¬â€š 㠁 ¿Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ªÃ£  §Ã£ â€œÃ£  £Ã£  Ã£â€šÅ Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£  «Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã§Å  ¶Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥â€¡ ºÃ£ â„¢Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£  «Ã¦ ± ºÃ£â€š Ã£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£ Å¸Ã£  Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£  ®Ã¥ ¹ ¸Ã£ â€ºÃ£  «Ã¥â€º ²Ã£  ¾Ã£â€šÅ'る㠁“㠁 ¨Ã£â€šâ€™Ã© ¡ËœÃ£ â€žÃ£â‚¬â€š ã€Å'åˆ Ã£â€š Ã£  ¦Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã§Å  ¶Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â€šâ€°Ã£  £Ã£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥ ¤ §Ã¥Ë†â€¡Ã£  «Ã© ¡ Ã£  «Ã© £ ¾Ã£  £Ã£ Å¸Ã£â€šË†Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£â‚¬  ä »â€¢Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã¥ §â€¹Ã£â€š Ã£  ¯Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã£  ®Ã¦ ºâ‚¬Ã©  ¢Ã£  ®Ã§ ¬â€˜Ã© ¡â€Ã£  §Ã¥ ¹â€¢Ã£ Å'éâ€"‹ã â€žÃ£ Å¸Ã£â‚¬â€š Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ³â‚¬Ã§Å  ¶Ã£  ¯Ã£ â„¢Ã£  ¹Ã£  ¦Ã£  ®Ã¤ º ºÃ£â€šâ€™Ã¥ ¹ ¸Ã£ â€ºÃ£  «Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£  Ã£â€šÅ'る。 "Nengajou tte nan desu ka." Sakunen kara watashitachi to hatarakidashita juuroku-sai no shoujo ga tazuneta. Hahaoya kara ikujihouki sare, ima wa yougoshisetsu ni iru kanojo.Teijisei koukou mo yameteshimatta kanojo o mikane, uchi no byouinchou ga chourihojoin to shite yatotta. Heikin nenrei gojussai no chouriba. Juuroku-sai no shoujo ga tanoshii tokoro towa omoenai ga, kanojo wa mainichi genki ni yatte kuru. Hyottoshite hanarete kurasu hahaoya no omokage o watashitachi ni mite iru no ka. Juuichi-gatsu nakaba nengajou no junbi no wadai ni natta. Sonna watashitachi no kaiwa ni fushigisouna kao de tazuneru kanojo. Muri mo nai. Hahaoya to isshoni ita koto wa, juukyo o tenten to shiteita to kiita. Negajou dokoro dewa nakatta no darou. Minna de kossori kanojo ni nengajou o dasu koto ni kimeta. Takusan no shiawase ni kakomareru koto o negai. Hajimete nengajou moratta. Taisetsu ni gaku ni kazatta yo. Shigotohajime wa kanojo no manmen no egao de maku ga hiraita. Nengajou  wa  subete  no  hito  o  shiawase  ni  shitekureru.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

IT Evolution in Global Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

IT Evolution in Global Banking - Essay Example so access their bank accounts, withdraw cash, pay bills, get bank statements, deposit cash and even buy products without having to visit their bank branches. Indeed, what technology has facilitated is the reduction of physical conduct between the customer and the banker bringing in a new phenomenon known as virtual banking. Information technology can offer a bank a competitive edge over other banks (Singer, Ross & Avery 2005) The internet invention was the greatest breakthrough for banks in carrying out their transactions with customers (Wanderi 2012). As internet access is enhanced, more and more banks are turning to online banking services. Such services are more convenient to customers and the banker, they also save time and costs and increase efficiency. Banks that do not adopt technology are likely to be unpopular among the customer base. Automated teller machines, television banking, virtual banking, internet banking, mobile banking, online pay bill, mobile commerce, social media payments, credit cards and debit cards are some of the examples of how technology is changing the banking industry (Kendrick 2011). This paper will discuss the evolution of information technology in the banking industry with emphasis on internet banking, growth of e-commerce and virtual banking and new delivery channels such as PC banking, mobile banking and TV banking. The most important concept is the internet. In early years of internet, banks normally used the internet for internal purposes such as publishing of corporate data and offerings. At this time, internet was mainly used in banking as a tool of information dissemination to customers and the general public. This was then followed by banking internet services such as checking account balances online, paying utility bills online and online transfer of funds. Many banks feared transacting over the internet because of the security threats. However, with the growth in software and information technology infrastructure many

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nancy Morejon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nancy Morejon - Essay Example There she absorbed and assimilated Afro-Cuban culture until she identified herself with the very essence of her beloved Havana" (Cordones-Cook 2003:33). Cordones-Cook (2003) asserts that Morejon in her poetry projects "a clearly matrilineal consciousness that establishes connection and filiation," a kind of sympathetic female bonding, with legendary female ancestors. Gonzalez (2005) would understand this as Morejn's poems referring to Yoruba deities, known as orishas, and honoring the "living dead," the eggun or ancestors. She said Morejon dominates these poetic spaces with words of wisdom from both the African ancestors and the orishas, who exercise their eternal influence. A study of her poems suggests that Morejn is obsessed with her past, and often uses poetry as a way of exploring it. It is in those poems that she revisits Africa, encounters the grandparents she never met, and experiences the hardships of slavery. As a result, she often gives voice to people who don't normally have one. Morejn is a strong believer that ancestors and loved ones who have passed on, continue to affect people's daily lives. Honoring the living dead or the ancestors may be seen from the perspective of communicating with them because of "Frustrations in personal life" as Xianglong (2007) would see it. Xianglong (2007) looked into filial consciousness into the thinking that intersects the past and future. Accordingly, frustrations in personal life are one occasion for a person to bridge the time and reach out to the dead. Indeed, in Morejon's culture, the spirits of ancestors are spiritual guides (Gonzalez-Wippler 1998:76). After death, spirits are said to remain around their relatives here on earth, for protection and guidance. Invoked in every religious ritual, they often participate in family decisions, giving their approval or disapproval in family affairs. Morejn's poem, "In Front of a Mirror," refers to the importance of "our dead ones" and how present they are in their daily lives If the parks blossom overflowing with fresh tulips then the boulevard brings in the scents of your loved ones, and, above all, of your dead ones. (Morejn in Looking Within 109) Morejon is conscious that the dead are ever with them - participating in their present conditions. Maier (2005) asserts that one poem closely identified with Morejon is "Persona." This poem, according to David Frye (2000), is a relatively recent one (1999), but it is also an update of the earlier "Mujer negra" ("Black Woman"). In "Mujer Negra" ("Black Woman)" she moves through various generations discussing immigration, slavery, poverty, rebellion and the independence movement (from Spain), and finally, affirmation of the Afro-Cuban as a human being after 1959. According to Maier (2005), this poem emphasizes the slave's point of view, and demonstrates the influence of ideological freedom found in the Cuban Revolution. She underscores the racial together with the feminist dimensions of Cuban nationalism by making the Black woman the central figure and the protagonist of the contemporary era "Black Woman," and "Persona," exemplifies well the characteristics for which Morejon and her work are known and admired. These traits include a strong identification with her family, with the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Key Aspects Of Current Legislative Requirements Essay Example for Free

The Key Aspects Of Current Legislative Requirements Essay I am new to the teaching environment so I have had to learn the different aspects of the current legislative requirements. I follow a lot of different requirements, such as the disability discrimination, sex discrimination and race relations acts. These things are covered by ensuring the course is available to all and that different resources are available or adaptable to suit learners differing needs. The key Aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to the fitted interiors subject are; †¢Health and safety Protecting yourself and others against risks to health and safety in any work that is required, is top priority in any type of workplace. I provide all my students with the PPE needed for the job we are undertaking, like goggles, earplugs etc. Boots, overalls hi-viz are worn at all times in the workshop. †¢ Criminal Records Bureau Check A Criminal Records Bureau check enables an organization in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safe recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involve children or vulnerable adults. Beyond tutors are required to have a CRB to ensure a satisfactory back ground to work with the students. †¢ Equal opportunities To protect the rights of students, regardless of age, race, gender, disability or sexual orientation, ensuring the course is available to all. †¢ Data protection Data Protection applies to anyone who handles or has access to sensitive information about individuals. The sensitive records we keep are kept in a locked filing cabinet.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

adoption process Essay -- essays research papers

Adoption: The Process   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adoption is metamorphosing into a radical new process that is both sweeping the nation and changing it. But this process is not an easy one, there are many steps to go through. Through research it is made a lot easier. Adoption is a also a highly visible example of a social institution that has benefits from and been reshaped by both the Internet and the exponential growth of alternative lifestyles, from single to transracial to gay. It is accelerating our transformation into a more multicultural society; even as it helps redefine out understanding of â€Å"family.† The process includes three main steps including a type of adoption, the techniques for location a baby for adoption, arranging a successful adoption, the steps at the hospital, and lastly the legal issues in adoption.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many types of adoption in California, more then any other in the country. The reasonable amount of time it takes to adopt a child is about a year. â€Å"Independent adoption is an alternative to agency adoption and is the means by approximately 85 percent of all newborns are adopted in California. Since that is the most popular that is the type that I am going to concentrate. The reason that it is the most popular is because of four factors. The first is because the independent agency is flexible, secondly it allows the birth mother to personally meet and select adoptive parents, thirdly it allows the adoptive parents to quickly locate the birth mother rather Smith 2 then waiting several years for the agency to do it for them, and lastly the child can be placed in the home of the adoptive parents immediately after birth instead of waiting in a foster home. By law the birth mother must personally place the child with the adoptive parents. That does not mean she has to do it physically it just means she must personally select them. The birth mother is permitted to release her child into the adoptive parents custody as soon as the hospital discharges the baby, usually 2-3 days old. Generally when the child is six-eight months old the adoptive parents can go to court to permanently finalize the process. A new birth certificate is prepared after the adoption is granted by the court. Independent adoption fees and costs can vary dramatically. Most adoption attorneys charge between 3,000 to 4,000. The adop... ...Release is a form that needs to be filled out by the birth mother to release the child directly to the birth parents. The birth mother can also chose to chose a room on or off the maternity ward. The reason that one chooses off the maternity ward is because it is away from the parents who are bringing their baby home. When the baby is born the hospital usually lets the adoptive parents see the baby, visiting hours usually don’t apply. The birth mother is still the legal parent and so only she can authorize any medical procedures regarding the child during the hospitalization. Before the baby is discharged the hospital will examine the baby and authorize the child’s release. Do not worry if the mother has chosen a name for the child different from the one you have chosen. Your Petition for Adoption will state how you wish to change the child’s name, and a new birth certificate will be made by the court. Smith 5 Work Cited Hicks, Randall. Nuenez, Linda. Adopting in California, How to find a Child. WordSlinger Press. 1992. Melina, Lois Ruskai. Roszia, Sharon Kaplan. The Open Adoption Experience. HarperPerennial. 1993. Pertman, Adam. Adoption Nation. Basic Books. 2000.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Feminist Analysis Death of a Salesman Essay

What’s great about this play is gives us insight into the past and focuses on an average family and provides lots of material to do a feminist analysis of. The most prominent woman figure in this play is Linda, but the male characters in this play also give us insight into women’s roles and help feed the feminist analyses To get us started, how do the roles and identities of women in this play compare to that of the male figures? Objectivity of women Biff and Happy Quotes -â€Å"Take those two we had tonight, now weren’t they gorgeous creatures?† -â€Å"it gets like bowling, I just keep knockin’ them over and it doesn’t mean anything† -â€Å"a girl, y’know, they always believe what you tell ‘em† (27) -Biff was seen as successful in Willy’s eyes when he made the girls swoon in high school -Could this be influenced by Willy and their upbringing or are they just a product of their time? -They see women as achievements: When Biff and Happy are talking Happy says how he’s not happy currently because he wants â€Å"his own apartment, a car, and plenty of women† (23) Women Don’t Have Identities -â€Å"The Woman† that Willy has an affair with doesn’t have a name, she’s always laughing and really sexual. He slaps her butt ad she laughs and thanks him for the stockings. She picked him because he was â€Å"sweet† and â€Å"such a kidder†. She says â€Å"I’ll put you right through to the buyers?† SLEEZE. -They see their mother as the epitome of what a woman should be – The only interaction Linda has with other woman is calling them whores, after Biff and Happy leave Willy at the restaurant and she’s angry says â€Å"did you have to go to women tonight? You and your lousy rotten whores!† Linda What do you guys think about the character development of Linda throughout the play? Do you think she is an example of a strong or weak woman? She knows that Willy is suicidal, tries to protect him from other people, and does not lose her temper with him when he acts horribly towards her -We never know more about Linda other than that she does the laundry, cares for her boys, and knows the finances -In the beginning I found it annoying how all she did was take off his shoes, put on his jacket, eager to please him. Only portrayed as a wife and mother, less dimensional than the other characters. -Does this take away from her character development? -Her goals are measured by Willy’s achievements -Linda is desexualized Treatment of Linda/Relationship with Willy -Willy is commanding to her â€Å"swiss cheese† â€Å"You’re my foundation and my support Linda† -Willy does not let Linda talk â€Å"don’t interrupt† (62, 64-65) READ -Biff defends her from Willy but she defends Willy, then Biff says â€Å"Don’t go making excuses for him, he wiped the floor with you. He never had an ounce of respect for you (54-55) -Biff and Happy objectify girls (20 + 21) Also, â€Å"gorgeous creatures†, ‘it’s like bowling† (23-24) -Linda says† I’m not your maid anymore† -Described by Happy as having â€Å"character and resistance† which is a quality he wants in a woman, unlike the ones he’s been with -Whenever Willy is upset about something she just sugarcoats his flaws and compliments him (37) do you think we just know something she doesn’t, or is there other motivation for her to do this?) -Seems like the first time she ever voiced her real opinion (57) about how Happy and Biff are ungrateful towards Willy -What is the purpose of her character? So that women of the forties could empathize with her situation more Hyper-masculinity Seen as negative or positive? Doesn’t lead to happiness. Happy and Biff â€Å"raise cattle, use our muscles, men built like us should be working out in the open (24) Uncle Ben Salesman Manual Labour Football Willy always refers to how their appearances make them well liked â€Å"guys built like us should be working a farm† â€Å"a man who can’t handle tools is not a man. You’re disgusting† (44) to Charley â€Å"thank God you’re built like Adonises† God of beauty and desire MORE SUBTLE EXAMPLES I NOTICED When Howard’s wife goes to talk to the recording device she has nothing to offer, as opposed to his son and daughter who wouldn’t shut up his daughter whistles, his son names the capitals of states, his wife says â€Å"I can’t think of anything†¦hello? Oh Howard, I can’t talk into this†¦.† (78) She could have just been shy, she doesn’t have a name, she is known as his wife Connect Howard’s wife’s role to Linda’s role? This is our chance to see a family woman other than Linda, do you think this serves a purpose, not matter how subtle it may be? Linda is content without adventure, she didn’t want Ben to encourage Willy to go to Alaska (95) Linda is overshadowed by her boys who go out and pursue things. Conclusion: Arthur Millar shows us the restraints of sexuality as well individuality in this play. Just like Willy Loman struggles to find his place socially and struggles economically, Linda is restrained by her gender.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Economic Crisis in America

We are going through a crisis that is sweeping the nation and affecting our people greatly. I will be discussing terrorist attacks; the war in Iraq, the falling housing market, government's bailing out program, unemployment and the natural disasters which have played a key role In the direction our country has taken In the twenty first century. I will provide In-depth examples on how each event has Impacted our economy and social circumstances. Each piece fits together like a puzzle and creates what we now have â€Å"The State of Emergency†.Are entering into what could be known as next great depression? Hopefully our government will act fast and dig us out off this rut that were are headed toward, before it is too late! Over centuries people from all over the world have migrated to the United States for the hope of living â€Å"The American Dream†. This country has stood for inalienable rites such as freedom of speech and religion. These specific rights have attracted m illions to migrate into the United States. Immigrants have been driven here for the opportunity to prosper financially and spiritually.It's for this reason; America has rowan into one of the most powerful countries in the world. Other countries look up to us as an example of how to lead their own countries. Within the United States it's a different story. Since the industrial age started the people of America have become greedy. One of the most common phrases amongst Americans is â€Å"l want my children to have everything, I didn't have†. This mentality has placed our country into a â€Å"State of Emergency'. This country has raised many generations to pose this believe and created a self-centered way of life.Now we have the rich, who get richer and the poor ho continue to get poorer. Since the beginning of twenty first century we have faced one ordeal after another. How has this affected our economy and culture? Let's revisit what has happened in the last eight years. We e lected a new President in 2000 ( George W. Bush), September 1 1, 2001 (terrorist attack), war on terror, war in Iraq, foreclosures crushing the housing market, bank bail out program, unemployment on the rise, and the election of the first African-American President ( Barrack Obama). This is not touching on the natural disasters that our country has faced.Has America en her last days of glory or will she bounce back like she did during the Great Depression? Hopefully, our newly elected President has a plan that will bring us out of this depression that we have fallen into. What will happen next? Is America at the point of no return? If you analyze the past you will find that America was strong enough to overcome it. We had and have the power to bounce back. We need to come together as a country and work together to get through these tough times. Most of the issues we have faced today may not have affected us if America as a society actually believed in teamwork.In public we are taugh t to be a team and in private taught to look out for ourselves. The failure starts with our children. Have we taught our children how to survive in a society like we have today? Actually, the question should be; has society taught the adults, to love your neighbor or the love for self- indulgence? This is a question that we all have to answer for ourselves. Election; That November we elected George W. Bush to be our 43rd President. In 2001 less than a year from electing our new President on the day of September 11 a terrorist attack came upon the United States like a scene from a Hollywood movie.Four planes had been overtaken by members of the terrorist group, AY-Qaeda. One hit the Pentagon, two targeted the Twin Towers in New York City, and the last plane was headed for the USA Capital, when passengers on the plane fought back and the plane crashed in Janesville, Pennsylvania. That day 2,974 people died, 19 more died that were terrorist. We still have not found 24 people and are pr esuming that they are dead. This is not counting the people that were killed in the line of duty, several weeks later they estimated the death toll to be over 6,000 in all.Fear did not Just trite Americans but people all around the world. One of the biggest shocks was, when we learned that these terrorist had been taught how to fly planes here in the USA. The first thing the Government enforced was changing the security coming into the country. Then we went on the offensive and went after Osama Bin Laden and his band of rebels. We sent our military to Afghanistan to find and stop AY-Qaeda (being harbored by the Taliban). First we had to remove the Taliban to get to AY-Qaeda but they are hard to find because they are hidden under cover in the Pakistan Mountains.The economy was affected because New York came to a halt due to the destruction of the fall of the Twin Towers. Wall Street closed down for the rest of the week. Flights were stopped for several days leaving people stranded al l over the country. After this, people were afraid to leave home much less get on an airplane. So many employees lost Jobs because of this act of terrorism not Just in the area hit but all around the country. It also changed our society in so many ways. The trust was gone; everywhere you looked there was a possible terrorist.Fear, anger and outrage took over, but for many sorrow and regret. Never-the-less the one good thing that came out of the attacks was that for one shining moment the American people became one. Now it is 2008 and we are still feeling the pain of that horrible day. The War in Iraq: Then in 2003 we invaded Iraq along with a coalition of other countries on the grounds that we thought they had nuclear weapons (weapons of mass destruction) that Sad Hussein would not disarm and because he was supporting terrorist groups such as the Taliban and AY-Qaeda along with the religious sect the Jihad.The Arab nations looked to Sad as a hero for standing behind Palestine which had been at war with Israel since Biblical times. America kept a close eye on Iraq with apprehension since the early sass's following the Persian Gulf War when the first president Bush was in office. Then on December 13, 2003 the news came in, Sad Hussein was captured. Three years later, on November 5, 2006 he was found guilty by a new Iraqi Government that the USA had helped them to establish. On December 30, 2006 he was executed by hanging.The changing times brought on by September 1 1, brought the American people together and then the Iraqi War really tore the American people apart. American's were seeing a trend happening and were afraid of other countries becoming involved or the start of World War Ill. This scared largest anti-war rally in history; where over 3 million people attended this rally. This demonstration was held in Rome, Italy. American troops are still in Iraq today helping to keep the peace and they will be there for several more years. Housing Market Falls: In t he year 2006 we started to see the housing market shift into a downward spiral.For several years before everywhere you looked you saw a new housing subdivision under development. Then all of a sudden we started to see the same housing sites sitting empty. In 2007 the foreclosures in the housing market started growing at a fast pace. It was amazing how fast so many Americans were losing it all. Everything they had worked so hard to provide for their families was Just disappearing. Then in 2008 it was still moving in that downward motion. More and more families are losing everything. The housing market is still in a downward spiral with no relief in sight for the homeowners.However, the banks that would not help the homeowners stay in the homes are getting help from the government. Many states, such as Florida, had help from the Florida Government to try to keep homeowners in their homes but, this only worked if the homeowner and bank were both in Florida. In 2008 the foreclosures wer e at record highs month after month. This has hurt our economy very badly. The society we live in has changed for this same reason. People have to learn how to adapt to a different way of life. In which, can be hard a thing to master. It is much easier to adapt to a moving up the food chain than down the food chain.This has raised the homeless rate to new heights here in America. Many have had to depend on the welfare system to support them and now have to seek refuge in shelters. Charlene S. Onto wrote in one article in May of 2008 that, â€Å"According to an April 2008 report by the National Coalition for the Homeless, the top 10 states with foreclosures attributed to 73% of the homeless†. These are astounding figures and it shows us that we have a much larger problem than we think. Banks are Bailed Out: The next thing to happen is that the banks and financial intuitions of the United States are in financial trouble.The foreclosures severely hurt the banks. In 2008 twenty-t wo banks have already collapsed. This is even with the bail out package of a $700 Billion dollars. What's next? How is the United States going to heal from this massive loss of financial support? Of course the banks can no longer give out loans to the small business owners; this means many of the small businesses will be the next thing to fall by the way side. Other large corporations are Jumping in on the bail out band wagon like the American Auto Makers.The Government denied the auto industry help, once the press unleashed the truth on how they first need to do their win cut backs. They actually had the nerve to fly into Washington DC in their private planes that cost the company's around $28,000 dollars to make this round trip, when they could have taken a coach flight for under $600 dollars. They are asking for $25 billion of the $700 billion bail out package. What does our 44th President Elect think â€Å"Obama, said he believes aid is needed but that it should be provided as part of a long-term plan for a â€Å"sustainable U.S. Auto industry† ? not simply as a blank check. † Now once Obama takes office as our 44th President of the United States and the Democrats take the majority in congress, the Auto Industry might Just get the money they need, to keep from going bankrupt. Yes, we know that if some help doesn't come, our way of life is going to come to a stop. If you are watching the stocks on Wall Americans are Just hoping that soon it will at least stabilize, so that we can work at fixing the problem and to know we are on the right path.Today everyone is playing the blame game and we all need to realize that in some ways we have all contributed to the crisis that we are now going through in our society. Unemployment Rises: Now e know all of the things going on with the economy, but how has it affected the unemployment rate. It definitely has restructured this area. If the banks have no money for loans because the banks are going under, b ecause of the housing market foreclosures that has brought them down. Now we have another problem. Companies are forced to lay off employees in order to keep their businesses going.This becomes the next crisis. Unemployment is rising fast according the Agency for Workforce Innovation. In Florida the unemployment rate has hit the highest it has in fifteen years. It is now at an average of seven percent, but in some counties like Flagler, it is above ten percent. Just about everywhere you go you meet someone else with a story of their company releasing them. Will this affect the housing crisis even more? Of course it will. How is our government along with the people of America going to fix our problems?The main thing we can do is no matter what social class or race we might be is look at the problems and try to do our part to fix it. American people need to stop looking to the government to fix everything we all have a voice and need to learn to use it. Natural Disasters: Over the pas t few years the economy has suffered because of the natural disasters from hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes and wild fires. The cost to rebuild after a natural disaster can be soar into billions of dollars. Just look at the devastation this tornado in Oklahoma caused on Mother's Day 2008.Look at Just how big an out of control this fire in California became and how it eats everything in its path. Natural disasters are likely to hurt us in more ways that the rest because it can take over your life so fast and most working people don't have the funds to Just start over. It is devastating to loose everything you have and even some family members. It is amazing to me how our country will come together in these times to help but, in others like the economy everyone Just points the finger. Satellite view Satan 2005 $81. 2 Billion Quickie $27 Billion Wilma 2005 $22. Billion Charlie 2004 $18. 6 Billion Hurricane Strain These are some examples of the cost associated with a hurricane. Alabama F lorida 14 Georgia 2 2 AltaVista 1,577 Mississippi 238 Total 1836 The death tolls are also astounding after one of these storms. You can see in this hart based on Hurricane Strain in 2005 This is not mentioning the 705 people missing. Personal Reflection Unfortunately, I was one of the many who lost their home. It was foreclosed on in September 2007. I lost my Job because my company made a decision to out source position.I had a very hard time trying to find a Job and when I finally did the income wasn't nearly the same. First, I tried to keep my house and my car was repossessed, then because I was already so far behind I lost my house. Things started getting better for my family in early 2008. I found a good paying Job and so did my husband. That summer my husband, who is a heavy equipment operator, lost his Job once the project was finished. Within two months are other car was repossessed. Thank God, my Job was walking distance. What I didn't know was the next day I was going to be laid off.So here I am no car, no Job, no bus route close, and no phone. What was I going to do? I made a leap of faith and I am going back to school. I finally received my income tax and bought a cheap car and Just keep looking for a Job. Hopefully, one will come soon since I am about out of money and will be out on the street and raising the homeless rate by four. I view our country as a great one full of opportunities, but it is in trouble. Everything comes and goes, we Just have to remember that we are strong and life will get better.My hope for this country is that our newest President will have the strength to fight the wrongs that hurt our country and the compassion for the people that really need him. To help those of us that has fallen with the economy. I hope to one day see an America where we are all, actually equal, that social statuses are erased and that economic status shows us how we help one another when we are in need. Personally, I feel that the government needs t o be eloping out the families in America more than the banks and auto companies. For example and they could buy a home and cars that would rebuild the economy.Not to mention the taxes on the money, homes, and cars that would be paid back to the government. People would be off the street and banks would have gotten rid of all the foreclosed houses. It would raise the housing market if people were competing for them. In my opinion, I see a fix that could be better than giving aid to the banks because, they still are having problems after the bailout. Self-indulgence or greed has ruled this country for long enough. I wanted to have it all and once I had it still wasn't enough I wanted more.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Сomparison and Contrasting Country Lovers and Child of the Americas

Ð ¡omparison and Contrasting Country Lovers and Child of the Americas In every literary works, the author uses his or her life experience and the immediate social, political and spiritual practices to educate or pass a specific message to the society. For instance in her intriguing epic country lovers, Nadine Gordimer focuses on the social prejudices practiced in an environment which harbors mixed races.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Ð ¡omparison and Contrasting: Country Lovers and Child of the Americas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through discussing the adventures and social attributes of the characters, Gordimer highlights the aspect of racism. On the other hand, Aurora Morales expresses her poetic skills by enlightening the reader on the aspect of ethnicity as practiced in her contemporary society. Although both Gordimer and Morales apply different forms and style of writing literature, each of them condemns social injustices less seriously. While Gordimer highlights constrained relationship arising from aspects like racism, Morales boasts of her ethnic culture as a way to call for unity. Through focusing on the social and political relationships and elusive interaction of various characters in the articles, the next discussion elaborates the theme of racism/ethnicity while highlighting their similarities and differences. Critical analysis of Gordimer and Morales’ pieces of work highlight some differences as per literature. For instance, both authors apply different forms of writing literary works to express their artistic skills. Gordimer writes a short story in form of a narrative giving it ironical title country lovers. Gordimer has organized the story in form of well-structured paragraphs accurately punctuated. Furthermore, each paragraph highlights a different idea. For instance, the first paragraph gives the picture of the environment or the setting of the story as a farm, which harbors two races blacks and whites. Moreover, the au thor enables the readers to pick out the main theme of the story from the first paragraph. The rest of the paragraphs give emphasis on the theme by applying aspects like the direct speech, which is a common element in short stories. More over, Gordimer applies the aspect of narration and vivid description, which draws the picture of her story in the readers mind. For example, she describes Thebedi’s hut, which is made of raw bricks with a chimney thus, mimicry of the white man’s house. Inside the hut there is a bed made from iron, wooden table and boxes. At the same time, she gives a description of Paulus house as a permanent structure with thick walls to prevent penetration of heat and inside the house there is a kitchen with plenty of foodstuffs and servants, dining room and with numerous bedrooms. Therefore, Gordmer’s description of the two homesteads enables her to emphasize her theme of racism (Spain, 2012, p.770). While the blacks live in abject poverty, t he white masters live in large, well build permanent structures.Advertising Looking for research paper on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From the above analysis, Gordimer is against economic differences, which arise because of racism. Although Njabulo is a servant in a white man’s house, he is unable to build a permanent house for his family. The huts are traditional houses of the African society, which are not only unstable but also prone to distraction in strong weather conditions like storms. On the contrary, Morales express her artistic nature by writing her literary work in form of a poem. Written in four stanzas, each stanza has different number of lines highlighting a different aspect. Each stanza starts with the letter â€Å"I†, which is common in most poems. The first stanza emphasizes on the author’s title child of Americas therefore, underscoring the aspect of ethnicity in the society. There are many aspects of poetry expressed for instance repetition of the expression â€Å"I am†, which shows the author is more concerned about her ethnic identity in a foreign environment with multiple cultures (Rich, 1982, 54). The narrator has accepted her culture, race, ethnic background and identity as an American. In addition, Morales add rhythm to the poem to accentuate the element of rhyme, which is common in poetry. For example, the first two lines in stanza three produce a rhythmic fashion as shown below â€Å"I am not African.   Africa is in me, but I cannot return.† This intrigues the reader to appreciate the author’s cultural and ethnic identity. Thus, silently appreciating the social diversity found in America. The second difference evident in the two pieces of literary works is the setting of the Gordimer’s story and Morales’ poem. The short story is set in a farm, in which the owners are whites while the blacks only offer labor. The farm has many families where children play together. Unfortunately, only the white children enroll in school. The author elaborates the theme of her story by writing â€Å"the farm children only play together when they are small but once the white children go away to school, they soon dont† (Gordimer, 1988, p.3). Therefore, Gordimer underscores the racial segregation in her setting. Similarly, children know how to make toys of oxen and bracelets using beans and castor oil seeds (Gordimer, 1988, p.3). Gordimer shows that the whites are colonizers who oppress the black people and have set social rules in the environment that have culminated into injustices. There are no schools for black children, the black people are servants and neither of them freely visits each other’s house. Romantic interracial sexual relationships are illegal, an aspect, which has been socially accepted. Critical analysis of the story proves that the setting of the st ory is in Africa with the whites being immigrants who forcefully decided to rule the natives.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Ð ¡omparison and Contrasting: Country Lovers and Child of the Americas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Contrarily, the setting of Morales story is in America. In the first stanza and from the first line, the writer confesses, â€Å"I am a child of the Americas† (Morales, n.d, stanza 1). However, although the whites dominantly inhabit America, there are other ethnic groups and races like Jews, Spanish and African among others. However, the narrator applauds other races and countries, which have contributed to the richness of the American culture. Comparison of the main themes in Gordimer and Morales literary works accentuates some differences. For example, Gordimer silently condemns racial prejudice in her contemporary society by vividly describing the social activities in th e farm and its surroundings. The first instance of racial practice Gordimer points at is the separation of the black and white children especially when the latter enrolls in boarding schools. Although in their early childhood, their parents allow them to play together; this habit dies out as the children progress into adulthood. Secondly, a romantic relationship between different racial groups is a social taboo as experienced by Thebedi and Paulus. Paulus is white while Thebedi is black; however, the two accept their childhood friendship to culminate into an illegal love affair. Gordimer condemn racism when she writes, â€Å"He told her, each time, when they would meet again† (clungston, 2010, p.11). Intuitively it was a taboo for the two lovebirds to have an open relationship. Although their relationship grew, but it seemed like a game of hide and seek. Thus, forcing them to have their sexual adventures in weird locations like the riverbank, away from the public. At this lev el, Gordimer enlightens the reader on the impact of racism on social development among children. Furthermore, after a few sexual adventures, Paulus impregnates Thebedi. Ironically, her parent marries her off to a black man to conceal any form of suspicion from the white master (Paulus father). Due to social prejudice, Paulus kills his child to escape embarrassment and further punishment from his parents. Thebedi refrains from stopping Paulus to kill her child because of her identity as a black woman. Therefore, Gordimer proves that racial segregation is a barrier to social development and can lead to social or human injustices as experienced by Thebedi. Thebedi is sure Paulus killed her child but she is unable to testify openly against him retracting her initial accusations. The author writes â€Å"Yet a year later, she retracted her testimony and in a calmer manner testified,† she had not seen what the white man did in the house† (Clugston, 2010, p. 49). Therefore, The bedi’s identity as a black woman forces her to accept oppression from the white man. Moreover, the judge not only drags the case for at least a year but he also rules in favor of the white man. According to Gordimer, racism culminates into social injustices like murder and oppression thus, social growth in a multiracial environment.Advertising Looking for research paper on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On contrary, in her epic masterpiece Morales focuses on ethnicity in the society more so, America which, harbors many immigrants. The main theme of her poem is to emphasize self-identity a problem experienced by most Americans especially due to ethnicity. Social diversity is an aspect that America currently experiences. Therefore, the first line of the first stanza confirms the author’s message to the reader â€Å"I am a child of the Americas†¦A child of many Diaspora, born into this continent at a crossroad†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Morales, n.d, stanza 4). The native people of America are the American Indians while all the other citizens like Europeans, African Americans, blacks, Spanish and Jews among others are immigrants. All these races have enriched America’s ethnic culture. However, the ethnicity has led to oppression, disunity and lack of identity amid other social problems. Therefore, Morales poem is not only appreciating her culture but also calling upon other pe ople to embrace and use their culture for the social development of America. In the last line of the last stanza, the author writes, â€Å"I was born at the crossroads and I am whole† this statement emphasizes the rich cultural heritage America boasts posses (Morales, n.d). Although these traditions culminated from a turbulent past experience, all immigrants whether slaves, tradesmen or natives proudly belong to one country, America. Therefore, the ability of the Americans to struggle, persevere and integrate into one society proves that cultural diversity is essential for the social development. Comparatively, both Gordimer and Morales, focus on social development as an important feature in the society. Gordimer highlights racial segregation as a social barrier, which eventually, leads to oppression and other forms of prejudices in society. Similarly, Morales praises ethnicity as an aspect that should promote cultural growth especial in a multiracial environment. According t o her poem, all Jews, Spanish, African American and Europeans living in America are Americans. Thus, the different ethnic groups should unite to explore and integrate into the unique culture. Both authors express the negative impact of racism and ethnicity in the society. While Gordimer presents oppression and social injustices as the outcome of racism, Morales focuses on lack of self-identity and esteem as the eventual impact of ethnicity when traded on the wrong grounds. The second similarity evident in the two pieces of work is the application of the literary elements like metaphors and similes. Although the authors use different types of literary techniques, each of them uses these literary techniques to emphasize their themes. In her short story, Gordimer embraces similes especially when comparing the social lives of the blacks and the whites. For example, after finding out Thebedi’s baby belongs to him Paulus says, â€Å"I feel like killing myself† (clungston, 20 10, p.10). Paulus statement proves that racism is highly practiced in his society. Therefore, he relates his relationship with Thebedi to death. Analytically, Gordimer uses this element to condemn silently racism because practicing it is equally to killing a human being. Another simile, which expresses racism appears when the author says, â€Å"Already at birth there was on its head a quantity of straight, fine floss, like that which carries the seeds of certain weeds in the veld.† (Gordimer,n.d, par.6) according to this statement, Gordimer shows that Thebedi’s daughter was illegal and therefore, unwanted in her society. Thus, the author highlights inhumanity because eventually, Paulus kills the little innocent baby because of fear, racism and oppression as commonly practiced in his society. In addition, Gordimer uses metaphors to express black color as ugly thus, not beautiful to look at or admire. For instance, she describes Njabulo skin as â€Å"matt, opaque coffee -grounds† (Anderson, 1991, P.20). According to the author, although the black skin is unique, people tend to despite the victim. Therefore, she condemns segregation of the blacks especially by the white people who think their skin color is superior. Eventually, she uses the black and white skin to promote racial unity an element that constantly misses in the society. Similarly, Morales applies the art of metaphors to express her poetic skills and educate the reader on the importance of embracing ethnic unity. The first metaphors, she coins is â€Å"I am not African, Africa is in me†¦Spanish is in my flesh†¦I am not European, Europe lives in me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Morales, n.d. stanza 1-4). The aforementioned group of metaphors highlights the narrator’s identity, culture and ethnic background. However, intuitive analysis of the poem reveals that the narrator accepts herself as an African, Spanish and European. When she writes,† Europe lives in me â€Å"(Mora les, n.d, stanza 1 line 5), it means that the narrator accepts Europeans as Americans who were unable to be accommodated in their original country because of oppression, economic constraints and religious conflicts among other social, political and economic problems. While the phrase â€Å"Spanish is in my flesh† (Morales, n.d, stanza 1 line 3), highlights the integration, intermingling and eventual assimilation of the Spanish people into America thus, giving them a common identity as Americans. Additionally, the metaphor â€Å"Africa is in me† mean Africans came into America as slaves, however, with the abolishment of slavery they became Americans. Surprisingly, the African culture still lingers in African Americans because of the origin and traditions that has not changed for many ages. Therefore, acceptance of all the races in America transforms America into a peaceful country with multiple cultures, racial identities and traditions among others. The fourth metaphor Morales applies is â€Å"I was born at the crossroads and I am whole† (n.d, stanza 4 line 1), her literary expression describes American people as originating from diverse background. Besides, American Indians, there is no other American person who can claim that America is his or her native land. African, Spanish, Jewish and European cultures are all form a unique American culture while at the same time retaining the individual cultural practices. According to Morales, lack of self-identity especially in relation to ethnicity has slowed down social development culture. Essentially, the different ethnic groups in America should create a rich culture that would build self-esteem of most Americans. In conclusion, Gordimer constructs her short story to educate the society on the negative impact of racism. She uses different literary techniques like narration, similes and metaphors to put emphasis on her theme. On the other hand, Morales writes a short poem to preach against the use of ethnicity in oppressing others especially in America. She calls upon all Americans to embrace ethnic unity for the social development. She uses metaphoric expression to emphasize her theme. Finally, both authors not only use similar literary techniques like metaphors but they also focus on a common goal social development in the society. References Anderson, P. (1991). Attitudes to Race in Nadine Gordimers Country Lovers and Alice  Walkers The Welcome Table’. New York. Indie Print publishers Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into Literature. California: Bridgepoint Education publishers. Gordimer.N. (n.d). Country lovers. Retrieved from Gordimer, N. (1988). Town and Country Lovers . New York. Reclam Philipp publishing company. Morales, L. A. (n.d). Child of the Americas. In Lauraa.diaz-authors page. Web. 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